The Trinity/COBA Community Partnership is dedicated to keeping Hartford’s / COBA youth: in school, academically motivated, pro-socially involved in their school community, working towards the goal of graduating and moving onto some form of higher education.

This will be achieved through academic tutoring provided by Trinity students at the Academy in a state of the art computerized class room. In addition to this other Trinity students will life mentor a COBA Kids for a year or more? Lastly, all of the Trinity Mentors and Tutors will orientate our COBA kids to the positive college experience by hosting them at on campus athletic events, cultural events, club happenings as well as helping them to experience campus resources like: the library, gym, student center, athletic fields, school book store, cafeteria, Cinestudio and lastly by introducing them to college faculty and staff.
COBA members will literally train, compete, travel to other colleges, study and learn right alongside their Trinity Teammates, Tutors and Mentors. The Goal of the “Trinity College / COBA Community Partnership” is to orientate our kids to college and college life through the relationships they experience with the Trinity students as well as planned activities on the Trinity campus in order to instill college as a real alternative and potential destination for our COBA kids.
TO DISCUSS YOUR CHILD BECOMMING A COBA CHAMPION OF LIFE E-MAIL JOHNNY.CALLAS@COBABOXING.COM OR CONTACT US AT: 860-918-2844 Gym: 81 Pope Park Hwy, Hartford Ct., 06106 Corporate Office: 503 South Quaker Lane, West Hartford Ct., 06110
To see more visit their Facebook page.